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Print this pageForward this document  Customizing the client letter

Below are the guidelines that apply to customizing a client letter template. Read them carefully. Before attempting to create your own letter, have a good look at the default letter to familiarize yourself with the rules and conditions, and to use as a model.


The client letter does not require any special formatting or control codes other than the ones supplied in this document. Make sure that your letter does not include any unknown control codes as they could and would cause problems.

Control codes

The following is a list of the control codes used in the client letter.

  • Comments
        %*        When this appears on a line, the rest of the line is ignored.
    Comments entered this way are not printed. This is useful for inserting notes indicating to whoever subsequently uses the letter why certain changes were made.

  • Margins
        %TM N     Top margin
                  "N" represents the space in inches from the top of the page.
        %BM N     Bottom margin
                  "N" represents the space in inches from the bottom of the page.
        %LM N     Left margin
                  "N" represents the space in inches from the left edge of the page.
        %RM N     Right margin
                  "N" represents the space in inches from the right edge of the page.
  • Formatting
        %NL       Indicates that you want to start a new line.
                  There must be a space between %NL and any preceding character on the line.
                  %4, %NL   is correct
                  %4,%NL    is incorrect
        %NP       Indicates that you want to start a new page.
                  Be careful when using this control code. Because of conditional statements,
                  the amount that will appear until any point in the letter can vary quite a lot.
        %CP N     Indicates a conditional page break.
                  If less than "N" inches remain from the current printing position to the bottom
                  margin, DT Max will resume printing from the following page.

  • Fonts

    The typeface and size of the font are specified under Client letter in the Preferences menu. In the letter template you can enter codes to bold, italicize or underline sections of text.

        <B> = bold on         </B> = bold off
        <I> = italics on      </I> = italics off
        <U> = underline on    </U> = underline off

  • Conditions
        %IF       Starts a conditional paragraph by stating the condition and
                  what occurs if it applies.
        %ELSE     Starts paragraph to print if the condition
                  expressed in %IF does not apply.
        %ENDIF    Indicates the end of a conditional paragraph.

  • Mathematical and relational operators
        +         add
        -         subtract
        *         multiply
        /         divide
        =         equals
        !=        does not equal
        <         less than
        >         greater than
        <=        less than or equal to
        >=        greater than or equal to
        ( )       brackets containing any statement

    These operators enable DT Max to compare amounts.

  • Logical operators
        %AND      logical AND
        %OR       logical OR


If you wish to use your own letterhead, make sure that the setting for printing the address of the firm on the client letter is correct. Do so in the Printing defaults, within the User's defaults of the Preferences menu. Otherwise, DT Max will print your name and address as entered in the Identification section.

To enable you to use your letterhead, DT Max will skip 1.8" at the top of the first page. If your letterhead requires more space, give yourself additional room by adding blank lines or by changing the %TM (top margin) setting.

Adding a conditional paragraph

First, note the convention of using "v" to refer to a variable number from the list of variables available.

Go to the position where you want to add the paragraph, then enter the condition by using %IF followed by the condition itself in parentheses.

If you want the paragraph to appear whenever the variable mentioned in the paragraph is not equal to "0", enter the condition as follows:


Then, type the desired text into the letter, entering the variable as %v, and end the statement by entering %ENDIF.

For example, if you want to tell your clients how much they can contribute to an RRSP without making an overcontribution, look up the relevant variable in the list. You will find that it is %49. Then, type the following (in your own words):

    You can contribute %49 to a RRSP. We recommend that you do so at
    the earliest possible opportunity to avoid the interest for as
    great a period as possible.

If, on the other hand, you feel that this will only be of interest to clients who can make a contribution of at least $1000, your condition would change accordingly:

    You can contribute %49 to a RRSP. We recommend that you do so at
    the earliest possible opportunity to avoid the interest for as
    great a period as possible. 

Ensure that a blank line appears between each paragraph. To do so, enter %NL after the %IF that introduces the paragraph.


If you wish to use an image of your personal signature or a logo to accompany your signature in the client letter, you may do so by inserting the location of the bitmap file (a file with a ".bmp" suffix) created to that end next to your signature or in its place in the appropriate location within the client letter.

For instance, if the .bmp file were named "signature" and saved in the folder "C:\temp", you would insert the following string into your client letter:


Creating a new client letter

The best way to create a new client letter is to type it out completely as you want it to be. Whenever you wish to use a variable, substitute %v (that is % and the number of the applicable variable) for the corresponding words in your letter. Whenever you require a condition, enter it immediately before the text that is intended to be conditional.

  • Example A (T1)
    Assuming that you want the client letter printed on letterhead, that the letterhead fits within the 1.8" space allocated by DT Max, and the User's defaults are set correctly:

    • City and date
      To have the name of your city as well as the date displayed as shown below, using the left-margin,

            Montreal, March 1, 2002

      look up the %-variable for the date and enter:

            YOURCITY, %8

      The date used is the date generated by your computer on the day that the tax return is calculated and will be the same as the date on the tax return. The display format is that of DT Max.

    • Heading
      Enter the heading using the variable codes provided. To enter a heading that will look like:

          Mr. Robert Jones
          2222 Oak St.
          Victoria, British Columbia
          T3T 4E5

      you need to look for the following:

          TITLE           %3
          FIRSTNAME       %2
          LASTNAME        %1
          STREET          %4
          CITY            %5
          PROVINCE        %6
          POSTCODE        %7

      After finding the required %-variables, enter:

          %3 %2 %1, %NL
          %4, %NL
          %5, %6 %NL
          %7 %NL

  • Example B (T1)
    Here is an illustration of a complex condition:

    If you want the text printed only if variable %47 (RRSP contributions) is greater than variable %48 (RRSP deduction) and if variable %51 (overcontributions to an RRSP) is NIL, enter:

        %IF((%47>%48) %AND (%51=0))
        You have contributed %47 to RRSP's this year, but have only been able to
        deduct %48.

For more insight on how to set up the client letter, look up the DT Max default client letter in the file DTnWLET.YYE ("n" represents the program number and "YY" represent the relevant tax year)

Error checking

If you modify the client letter or create your own, please test your conditional paragraphs by recalculating several different clients (who should have different results) and viewing the letter with DT Max. This should enable to check for typos and logical problems (DT Max does not have a syntax or spell checker).

Particular values

There are special values available for use with the keywords Province and PROV-RES (T1):

    1         Quebec
    2         Newfoundland and Labrador
    3         Prince Edward Island
    4         Nova Scotia
    5         New Brunswick
    6         Ontario
    7         Manitoba
    8         Saskatchewan
    9         Alberta
    10        British Columbia
    11        Yukon
    12        North West Territories
    18        Nunavut
    13        Other

A paragraph intended for taxpayers living in the Prairie provinces would be set up using:

    %IF((%10=7) %OR (%10=8) %OR (%10=9))

If variable %10 (keyword PROV-RES) is used in an address, the name of the province will be printed.

The following are available for variables whose value is Yes or No:

    1         YES
    2         NO


When you install a new version of DT Max, verify your customized client letter to make sure that changes in the program have not affected its accuracy.

For more information, see also ...

June 27, 2005